Weeks 0-16 are THE most critical period of your puppy's life. They are foundation blocks of your puppy's development.
Bringing your puppy home during this critical time can be both hugely rewarding and daunting in equal measure!
There's a vast amount of information available online. Sadly this information often isn't accurate or up-to-date.
Don't struggle and worry alone. Get qualified and experienced advice when you need it the most, from Pippa, an ABTC registered training instructor in your own home.
Pippa will guide you this time; preventing problem behaviours, tackling common puppy issues such as those ouchy puppy teeth, sleep, toileting and socialisation. The online content also includes enrichment activities and tricks. We'll accelerate your puppies training to boost your puppy's readiness for the outside world.
The 4 session support package is tailored to your unique, individual puppy and your home environment.
The support package is totally flexible and bespoke to you. For example; choose 4 sessions in your puppies first week at home, 4 sessions across 2 weeks, 4 sessions across 4 weeks OR a different combination that suits you best.
The cost of this package is £200.00 for a minimum of 4 hours in total. It's an investment you'll reap the rewards of forever!
Learn easy ways to encourage loose lead walking.
Have fun unlocking your pup's true potential.
Work on building a reliable recall.
Learn how to manage and build polite greetings.
Become the warm and nurturing guardian your puppy needs.
Learn how to deal with common puppy issues